
Showing posts from 2012


So lately I've been questioning myself how I would react if someone around me was to share their news  with me. Would I be accepting of it or would I be filled with anger? Angry that I've been trying for years & still not able to concieve? Angry how easily it is for others to have a child, but just so hard for me? Angry that they've had more than one & are still popping out kids left & right? Well, luckily, I've prayed for peace through this journey & I can gladly say that today my sister in law shared her good news to me, & I felt nothing but joyful with her. Maybe a bit more hope & belief that in the right time He will bless me. I just thought that this was a HUGE stepping stone for me & I just had to document it down on here. I can't wait to see what God has instored for us.

Hope Restored

“Be glad, O barren woman, who bears no children; break forth and cry aloud, you who have no labor pains, because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband.” Galatians 4:27 So, I received this message about a couple weeks back. Our pastor shared this message with our congregation, and I think he was going somewhere else with the material, but it actually hit me to the core. The way he explained this verse was just so assuring. I never looked at it that way or thought of it in that way. “Be glad, O barren woman, who bears no children; break forth & cry aloud, you who have no labor pains, because more are the children of the desolate (deserted, lonely, etc) than of her who has a husband.” What it means is that we women, who are lonely, & feel deserted. Who are barren & in pain. If we can seek God in all of this, if we can find joy & peace in Him & trust that He has great plans for us that He WILL fulfill, He will bless us abundantly....

Healing Begins-Tenth Avenue North

A very inspiring video. Its helping me have hope & I'm slowly learning to leave it in the Lord's hands...

Basal Body Temperature

I've been trying to get a hang of taking my body temperature every morning. But it is killing me! It takes so much work to just wake up early in the morning, take your temperature & go back to sleep again. I don't know why its such a pain but it is. My weekends are always crazy so my sleeping pattern changes a lot! And this effects my waking up to record my temperature. Oh man, I feel like giving up. I'm finding myself exhausted & drained most of the time. What sucks even more is that I'm all over the chart. Theres no peaking or anything. It's literally all over across the board. I'm getting kind of worried.