
Showing posts from February, 2016

A Surprise Anniversary Adventure

2 weeks ago we were asked to reserve Saturday the 27th of February for a special day. We weren't sure what was in store for us but were excited nonetheless! We love adventures! We kept trying to put all the puzzle pieces together to find out what the plans were but we were refrained from doing so. Therefore, we patiently waited for the day to arrive & then we got ready & set off for our destination! We were instructed to find our way to a beautiful place nearby called Gales Creek. We drove off with nothing but warm clothes and a few camping chairs, anxious to see what we would be arriving to. Scroll down to see pictures from our adventure! I even documented bits and pieces from this beautiful day. Watch it in the video below. Huge thanks to a couple that we look up to & are so blessed to have in our lives. They truly model a Godly marriage & encourage us to constantly keep Christ at the center of ours as well. They challenge us & b...

What Most Influences Your Self Worth?

Give each item below a grade from 0-10, (0—It doesn’t influence my self-worth all; 10—It significantly influences my self-worth). ____My relationship with my spouse  ____My desire to be a parent  ____The fact that I am loved unconditionally by God  ____My relationships with friends/family  ____My job, ministry, or another activity  ____My material status (where we live, what we own) ____Other: ____________ Where is your self worth coming from? In other words, what defines you?  Does your current status define you? Or does a dream or desire define you?  Is it a relationship with someone? Or a position you are holding?  Maybe even your income, or your desire to be wealthy? For years, I let PCOS define me. I let the world define me. I would look onto other women whom so easily conceived and I'd beat myself up about not being able to measure up to them. I grew up wishing & hoping that once I got married to the man of my dre...

Standing Firm

If you are a follower of Jesus, then you will have peace  in the face of any circumstance because you have the peace that dwells within you.That is the peace of God. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. But just because you have Jesus and the peace that comes from Him, it has nothing to do with the peace across the world because there is a battle going on between good and evil. Jesus is truth and there will be people who are against Him. So there will always be division in this world because there is darkness here. There is a spiritual battle going on that we know nothing about.  We cannot do anything. God does the work. We need to know the truth & trust that He will do His work. We need to stand on, live out & share the Truth . Which is the Word of God. The Bible.   34  ‘Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth.  I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.   35  For I have come to turn ‘“a man against his father, ...

11 Years Today

Courtesy of Pinterest Today marks our wedding anniversary of 11 years! I don't know why, but I feel as if every year passes on by faster & faster.  Wow, 11 years.  No one says how marriage is going to be after year 10. Personally, I have to say that year 10 was the year of transformation. And now we're moving into a new year together, I'm so excited to see what else the Lord will invite us to. I don't want you to read my blog & assume I have a perfect husband or marriage. Because I don't. We've had numerous arguments & fights. We've walked away from each other countless times and we've let out some of the cruelest words from our lips. But God redeemed our marriage when Roger & I stopped trying to control our marriage & one another.  At the end of 2015, Roger & I felt the Lord lead us into a 40 day fast. I cannot say, how faithful God is when you sacrifice yourself daily to find His face. In those 40 days we relied on frui...

5 Lessons That God Has Taught Me About Infertility

The enemy came to steal, to kill, and to destroy. And even though the enemy meant all of this for evil, God turns it into a beautiful story of redemption. He has used this season of infertility to teach me a few things that reveals His Beauty in the barrenness. 1. Spiritual Empathy . I found out that I was not the only one that was facing this storm. He's sewn the hearts of women of similar journeys with my heart as well. It's as if He gave me empathetic lenses to see the pain & hurting women who surround me in my community. And He gives me compassion for them. He inspires me to step outside of my comfort zone to bring light of these hard topics with the struggling women of this generation. I no longer isolate myself from everyone, but choose to be used by God to be an extension of His love & encouragement towards other women whom feel cast out into the shadows of the very fertile women.  2. Let HOPE Anchor You. I started off my journey getting sucked into al...

His Side of the Story

Written by Roger Moua Dora’s shared her side of the story of barrenness now I would like to share mine. As the saying goes, “there’s two sides to every story,” how true that saying rings in marriages around the world. But 11 years ago when I got married to the most amazing woman, beautiful, inside and out, I would’ve never thought this would be the situation that we would be in now. Childless. It hurt to see people go through it and even more so when you’re the one going through it yourself. I pictured us with at least 4 children and for some reason I believed that we would be blessed with twins. Even when people told me I was getting my hopes up too high or that science was against me, I continued to believe in a God of impossibilities. But year after year and still no child that hope began to disappear. I began to question God’s loyalty and began to lose trust in Him secretly inside. Feeling like I was deserted in a dry and weary land. Alone, scared and hopeless. Dora m...

Meet My Lifelong Bestie

Today, I get the honor of introducing to you, my lifelong best friend aka my husband Roger. I say "lifelong," because we have "till death do us part." Therefore, he will remain my best friend for my whole life. This post is to prepare you for tomorrows post. Last week, I felt led by the Lord to ask him if he'd be willing to share his side of the story. I've never really asked him how he felt through this season of barrenness. With a prayer, some hesitation & a night's worth of sleep, he agreed to it. So in preparation to his side of the story, I thought it would be fitting for you to meet him! Meet Roger. The love of my life. He's my knight and shining armor, and prince charming. He is 4 years older than me. He loves all things basketball & football. Especially the Sea Hawks! He is a full time Security Officer. He is my #1 fan & the greatest supporter. He is a passionate worship leader & is the best guitarist I know. He is ...

Love Knows No Limits

Courtesy of ChristianQuotes Love is the greatest of all. When we love, we reflect the Father. We can reflect God's love when we know of His love for us. His love is bounded to us for He created us. It is a devoting love that endures through all our storms & disobedience. His love is like a covenant, and He chose to communicate, redeem, and guarantee us eternal life in Jesus. He didn't have to, but He did. He loves us with an everlasting love. One that no man can ever understand. He loves us even more so than our own biological father could ever love us. He adopted us at a high cost. Giving away His only Son to pay the price for our sins so that we could be with Him in eternity. His love lavishes us since before we were even in our mother's womb. A love like this, there is no limit. Scriptures tell us that God is love. And from Him, we receive love. God loves us as a husband loves his wife. He adores us & is committed to us with unconditional love. He see...

5 Tips to Start Dating Your Spouse Again

After 10 years of being together, we've learned that it is so crucial for you to continue dating your spouse. We weren't too intentional about our dates back then, but we sure are now! With Love Day around the corner, we thought we'd share some of our tips with you. 1. Start flirting again . Exchange fun text messages like the good ole days. Let them know how much you miss them. Or if you're old school, write a sentimental letter to each other. 2.   Keep asking questions. Don't ever let your conversations die out. Be intentional & get creative. There are ton's of resources out there to keep you talking. This continues the growth of your friendship as husband & wife. 3. Be adventurous. Learn to have fun again. Get back to being spontaneous and just go with the flow. If he comes up with a tacky idea, just go along with it, you'll reminisce back to the days when he was pursuing you. And if she plans an extensive date from start to finish, give ...

13 Things I've Learned About Marriage

Next week Roger & I will be celebrating 11 years together! Around this time every year, I start to reflect on what God has taught us throughout the years that we've shared in marriage. Some look at us and will say its only been 10 years. Other's look at as and are amazed that we've even made it this far. I look at our marriage, & I can vouch that God knew what He was doing when He brought us together. Every year, we face more & more battles. Some are even against each other. But thankfully most of the time Jesus reminds us that the battle is against the enemy & not one another. I'm proud to say that I'm the wife of Roger. He is my best friend, my supporter, & #1 fan. Although he hates the unending questions that I have for him every time we come to reflect on our marriage. I know he appreciates them too. When we re-evaluate our marriage frequently, we're asking God, "What is your plan for our marriage?" In doing so, God has...


I know that Valentines Day is right around the corner. But I don't think that Valentines Day is the only day that we should show love & appreciation to those that we care about. This weekend I tuned in to an International Local Livestream Conference called IF:Gathering . A gathering for women of all ages to unite & learn more about Jesus. Not just learn but to be equipped & unleashed into our very own circles of community. To prompt us to live a life around these questions: "If God is real then what?"& "What if we lived like Jesus?" All weekend long we listened to beautiful women who've braved some hard times. We were led into prayers of confessions of things that we've held back in the dark spaces of our hearts. We dug deep and had some open conversations about who Jesus is to us. There were many tears of pain & suffering but also tears of joy & freedom. But the one thing that rang loudest through out the entire weekend was LO...

A Battle You Know Nothing About

Image by Some days are easier than others. God has given me peace in these sufferings. But I'm still human. Everyday as I make the choice to dwell on His promises instead of my situation, He gives me more & more strength. With every passing day, it became a little easier to talk about infertility.  I remember days where we'd have family gatherings & our relatives would come up to us & point out things like: "You've been married for so long now, why don't you guys have some kids?" "Don't wait too long because you're only getting older." "Why would you prefer getting a dog over having a child?" "Do you guys not want kids?" "Oh, don't worry just take advantage of being child-less right now." In those moments, I can honestly tell you, I wanted to cry my eyes out. Some day's I was able to just brush those questions aside. I mean, I know they had good intentions. They...