5 Tips to Start Dating Your Spouse Again

After 10 years of being together, we've learned that it is so crucial for you to continue dating your spouse. We weren't too intentional about our dates back then, but we sure are now! With Love Day around the corner, we thought we'd share some of our tips with you.

1. Start flirting again. Exchange fun text messages like the good ole days. Let them know how much you miss them. Or if you're old school, write a sentimental letter to each other.

2.  Keep asking questions. Don't ever let your conversations die out. Be intentional & get creative. There are ton's of resources out there to keep you talking. This continues the growth of your friendship as husband & wife.

3. Be adventurous. Learn to have fun again. Get back to being spontaneous and just go with the flow. If he comes up with a tacky idea, just go along with it, you'll reminisce back to the days when he was pursuing you. And if she plans an extensive date from start to finish, give her some props for going all out & planning so thoughtfully. But most importantly, have fun together.

4. Make time for each other. Remind them that they are on your mind. That they're your #1 priority. When you were dating, you couldn't stop thinking about each other, so continue to remind each other that things haven't changed and that after all these years, you still miss them more than anything!

5. Find reasons to dress up again. It's so easy to just show up or go out in your yoga pants & sweatpants because you're so used to being together. But find the inspiration to dress up again & make use of the unending wardrobe that you are neglecting. I find it sad when ladies put on dressier attire when they go out with their girlfriends but never when they go out on a date with their husband. Husbands, the best surprise you could ever give your wife is to show up downstairs completely put together. It shows her that you're serious about spending some alone time with her. She may even repay you with some extra hugs at the end of the night.

Remember that you don't need all the stars to align to start dating your spouse again. It's not impossible. It's very much possible. We've done it before & we can do it again. It will take some time & commitment. But you've already committed your life to this marriage, why not invest in it? Why settle for mediocre when God has greater things planned out for your marriage together?

Dates never need to cost you an arm & a leg. Its all about the time spent & the memories created together. If you cannot recall a fond memory with your spouse right off the top of your head, you guys should really consider finding a babysitter this weekend & go out. Reignite those flames you once had for each other. Believe me, they haven't died down. They just need a little bit more rekindling. Most importantly, love isn't to just be celebrated once a year in February. Celebrate the love of your life daily. Don't let the sun go down without telling your spouse that you love them.

What are some ideas that you have for dating your spouse again? Do you celebrate love everyday with your spouse? What are your plans for this weekend? I hope these tips help you further the passion in your marriage.


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