Cultivating a Mother's Heart

Having a mother's heart without having children.

I believe that you don't have to bear children to have a mother's heart.

After 12 years of marriage and countless years of trying,  I've discovered that the Lord has given me the opportunity to cultivate a mother's heart. How can that be though if I've never bore my own children? Stretch marks, labor pain, and sleepless nights and all.

You see, infertility has given me a wider perspective and understanding that things take time and I'm not the one that is in control of time.

As much as I desire having my own children, its the season of barrenness that I've been in that has given me perspective on such beauty. Such beauty that I've found in the desert.

Because of the lack of children in our lives, as a family, I've found a love that I could never have imagined. A love that receives and embraces every child as blessing from God. A gift that is rare to those of us who spend sleepless nights pleading in despair for the one thing that we cannot have.

No matter the race, age, stability, condition, culture, or religion, I find that it does not matter. There is no thing that stands against the love that I have as an unseen mother for the children of this world. All that matters is that God used my empty womb to position my heart into a fountain of love that is needlessly overflowing.

Having deep desires that can only come from the Lord himself to love, care, invest, encourage, and pour into their lives what I would for my own.

Why should I hold back what He is obviously calling me to pour out?

Why wait until you bear your own biological children to start harvesting within you, a Mother's Heart?

I'm surrounded by a vast majority of children. Everywhere I go, I see God aligning my desires with His heart. To love and care for His children.

In both our families, we have an abundance of nieces & nephews that range from college age down to the newest addition which was born today! I also had the privilege to work in childcare for an amount of years that has also built me up to be the unseen mother I am today. I also volunteer Sunday mornings at my home church in the Children's Building.

No matter what I do, I find myself surrounded by beautiful children of God.

Precious, precious lives that He has given me the honor and privilege to be around. Not just be around, but to care for, nurture, and teach with the wisdom and knowledge that He has given to me.

If you've read this far and get exactly how it feels, thank you.

Thank you for being obedient to the calling that He has given you as a mother figure to so many others. It may be in the unseen sacrifices that you give up for the children you know and care for. Or your unimaginable patience that you have with infants in your church nursery. It may even be taking up college age students and mentoring them. Or even choosing to do life with young adults that need your friendship.

Where ever you are, Thank. You.

I pray that you would be honored in this season. Even as you await your own children, may you be known and seen as a mother. Not for the children that you bear, but for the love that you have. The love of a Mother that is beyond compare. To see the needs of the lives around you and to give so freely, your heart away.

I celebrate the mother in you.


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